Humvee Overhaul PART 1
Meet the BEFORE version of a Humvee overhaul project we were excited to be a part of. Our customer had purchased a military Humvee and was looking to deck it out and make it a fully functioning adventure-mobile. The new home of the Humvee is a wide open ranch, perfect for family excursions and a day out on the range. It was only fitting that we added more comfort, more accessories, and storage areas on this Humvee. Greg put so much time, energy, and heart into this rig. You can see from the photos below the steps and stages of this overhaul.
He designed and built custom aluminum speaker cans to fit over the existing horizontal support slat of the top. Also made out of aluminum was the display box for the new Boss audio system. Below you can see the installation of the brand new seats that were purchased for this project, as well as a matching tan top.
Here is the interior without the custom bench seat.
We have a tube bender that gets quite a bit of use. The rear rack/seating as well as the interior bench seat were all custom bent.
We added plywood for support before shipping all of the seating out to get foam cushions and new upholstery.
This rear seating rack was massive and took a couple people to lift and install.
All of the bracketry and tabs were designed on our CAD computer program, then plasma cut on our Torchmate plasma table. We would be lost without it! Be sure to check out the complete AFTER photos of this rad Humvee project in PART 2 on the blog.